Mary Szydłowska


Mary Szydłowska (PL) is a Brussels based artist and choreographer. Their practice feeds on the notions
of the peripheral, withdrawn and invisible phenomena followed within architectural spaces and institutional environments. The performative works created by Mary Szydłowska expand into sculptural object and video installations, where performing body renders visible the embodied aspects of environments we live in.Their work
was presented at and supported by Beursschwourburg in Brussels, Zachęta National Gallery in Warsaw, Brussels Gallery Weekend, Centrale.lab for Contemporary Art in Brussels, KANAL.Centre Pompidou in Brussels, Het Paviljoen in Ghent. In 2023 and 2024 they received residency support from wp Zimmer in Antwerp, kunstencentrum BUDA
in Kortrijk, workspacebrussels, The Green Corridor in Brussels and ATLAS programme at ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna. Graduated from MA STUDIOS programme for choreographers and dance makers at Performing Arts and Research Training Studios (P.A.R.T.S.) in Brussels, in 2021. They hold MA degree in cultural studies (Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Ca’ Foscari University in Venice & Warsaw University).